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I.  What is SHT?  什么是SHT?

SHT is the acronym of Chinese Pinyin pronunciation Shan He Tang ( 善和堂 ), and the acronym of, sky, human kindness, and terra. That means the harmony of the sky, human kindness, and terra. You will become very healthy if you live in the atmosphere of the harmony of the sky, human kindness, and terra. So, we give our clinic the name of Oakville SHT Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic.


II.  What is Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM )?  什么是中医/中国传统医学?

Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) is one of the oldest, professional, continually practiced medicines in the world with its own unique theory system. Generally speaking, all forms of oriental medicine have their roots in TCM. It is a body of healthcare that includes acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, nutrition/food therapy, acupressure, cupping, etc. TCM is considered to be both holistic and natural medicine. The method of Chinese medicine diagnosis includes looking, listening/smelling, inquiring, and pulse-taking. Syndrome differentiation plays important role in TCM. It provides a different form of diagnosis and therapy to Allopathic Western Medicine.

中医拥有自身独特的医疗理论体系,是世界上最古老的、专业的、被持续运用的医学之一。一般来说,东方各种医学源自中国传统医学, 包括多种形式, 如针刺、灸疗、草药疗法、保健品或食品疗法、指压法、拔罐等。中医被认为既是整体医学,又是自然医学。中医诊断的方式包括望、听/闻、问、切,即四诊。症状的辩证,在中医诊治中起着重要作用。

Although the goals of TCM and Western medicine are the same, their ideas about what causes a disease, the nature of the disease itself, and the process used to regain health are very different. The physician usually learns that the disease needs to be cured by prescribing medicine or by surgery.

尽管中医与西医目的相同, 但他们对病因、疾病本身的性质,和治疗以致恢复健康的过程的看法是截然不同的。西医往往认为,病症必须通过处方用药或者外科手术才能治愈。

There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach. It often works. But why does TCM succeed where western medicine fails in some cases? What is it about acupuncture and herbal medicine that can result in relief of symptoms or even a cure that is lacking in western medicine for some cases?  


Although the goal of TCM is to cure a patient, the doctor of TCM attempts to do this by treating the whole person, taking into account the various attributes of an individual that, when combined, account for a person being sick or healthy. People are not, according to TCM, represented solely by their illness, but by the accumulation of every human interaction engaged in from the moment of their birth and by the culture they are exposed to. The emotional experiences, eating habits, work habits, work and living environment, personal habits, and social network all contribute to their disease and are factors that, when changed appropriately, may lead to regained health.

尽管中医的目的是治好病人的某种病,但是中医大夫在诊治时会尽量考虑病人各方面的症状和情况(这些症状和情况综合起来可以诊断一个人健康与否),对病人进行全面诊治,而不是局部诊治和将病治病。 中医认为,人人不仅仅单纯受疾病的的影响,还要受自出生以来人际交往和所处的文化背景的影响。情绪体验,饮食习惯,工作习惯,工作和生活环境,个人习惯和社交网络等所有有助于治愈疾病的因素,一旦发生正确的改变,就可以导致恢复健康。

Western treatment typically interferes with the disease process to stop it or interferes with the physiological process to mask symptoms. In the end, the body must heal from the treatment as well as the illness.  


The power and effectiveness of TCM are evidenced by its long history of continued success. More than a quarter of the world’s population regularly uses TCM including acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies as part of their health care regimen. Chinese medicine is the only form of classical medicine that is regularly and continuously used outside of its country of origin.


The only diagnostic tools used by doctors of Chinese medicine are the “Four Examinations”: 1. Observing 2. Listening/Smelling 3. Questioning 4. Palpating. This method of diagnosis dates back over 3,000 years, and although it may seem quite simple, is far from simplistic. Each of the Four Examinations can take years to master, and the astute practitioner uses them to arrive at a differential diagnosis.  With the advent of technology—as amazing, necessary, and beneficial as can be—there seems to be a direct correlation between advances in technology and a decline in doctor sensitivity to the patient, and thus, misdiagnosis. The experienced doctor must use his or her own interpretive skills and consider not only what the patient reports to them about their condition, but also what they reveal without meaning too and what they don’t express.

传统中医的诊断方法是“四诊”: 即1望诊、2闻诊、3问诊、4切诊。这种诊断方法可以追溯到3000多年以前的中国古代,虽然看似比较简单,但实际上一点也不容易。四诊中的每种诊断方法都需要多年的行医经验的积累才能熟练掌握,只有熟练的中医师uny才会使用此法得出辨证的诊断结果。随着非常神奇的、必要的、有益的技术的出现,似乎可以以为技术先进了,就会意味着大夫诊断病人能力的下降,从而会导致误诊。有经验的中医大夫必须运用其熟练的诊断技巧充分考虑到病人全面的身体状况,不仅包括病人有意反映出来的情况,而且包括无意反映出来的情况,还有没有表达出来的情况。

III.  What is Acupuncture?  什么是针刺疗法?

Acupuncture is a part of the healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which mainly includes acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedy so that acupuncture follows the principle of TCM to diagnose and treat patients.


The principle of TCM is based on the ancient Chinese philosophic belief that the body must be treated in a holistic manner. Thus it is the whole body that must be treated rather than just the symptoms. The focus is on balancing the body's energy and invigorating the body's immune system. This is especially effective for many chronic problems.


Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin disposable steel needles into the body's vital energy points. The aim is to regulate the channels of Qi (energy), re-establish the balance of energy, and relieve pain. It is particularly effective for arthritis, muscular pain, depression, and surprisingly, it helps to stop smoking. Many people also have acupuncture as a preventive treatment or because they feel unwell in themselves but are not ill in Western medicine.


Only high-quality disposable needles are being used in the clinic. When the practitioner carefully inserts the needles you may feel a slight tingling sensation. Sometimes you might feel numbness at the point of entry or an energy transfer along the meridian to another part of the body.


There are various other techniques based on the principle of acupuncture. These include Auriculo-Acupuncture and Electro-Acupuncture. Auriculo-Acupuncture concentrates on the application of specific points in the ears. It is more effective in some particular conditions such as addictions, insomnia, stress, etc. Both Auriculo-Acupuncture and Electro-Acupuncture can be applied with or without needles.   
IV.  What is Moxibustion?  什么是灸疗法?

Moxibustion is a TCM therapy in which Chinese herbs ( Mugwort ) are used to heat specific points on the body. This therapy works in conjunction with acupuncture and acupressure and helps invigorate the body's Qi. It is especially helpful for persons with a chronic sensitivity to cold.


V.   What is Chinese herbal medicine?  什么是中草药?

Chinese herbal medicine can be internally or externally used. Most herbal medicine is from the root, leaf, stalk, or seeds from some kind of plant. It's pretty natural. There are different types of Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese patent medicine, extract herbal medicine, and raw herbal medicine. The instruction of the TCM practitioner is necessary before you use it.

中草药可以口服, 也可以外用。大多数中草药来自一些植物的根、叶、茎或种子。它们是很自然的。中草药种类多样, 如中成药、粉剂和颗粒剂等提取物和饮片等。中草药在使用前, 中医师的医嘱是必要的。

Chinese herbal medicine is the major component in the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbal medicine consists of a huge collection of plants and other materials such as insects or minerals that have different effects on our bodies. When knowledgeably used, herbal medicine can have dramatic healing effects.

中草药是传统中医体系的主要组成部分。草药方剂由一些植物类、虫类和矿物类等物质组成, 这些物质对danji身体的疗效各不相同。
如使用合理, 草药方剂会凸显疗效。

How does Chinese Herbal Medicine work? The practice of Chinese herbal medicine is an art, for the combination of herbs into just the right formula takes a significant amount of skill and knowledge. A formula may contain up to 10-15 herbs. Each formula consists of a chief herb, a few herbs to assist effect.

中草药是如何起效的呢? 中草药的临床治疗是一门复杂的技术活, 将中草药配伍成准确的配方需要大量的技能和知识。 一个配方可以包括10-15种单剂草药。每个方剂由君药/主药和臣药/副药组成,臣药辅佐君药才能起效。

For example, the "chief herb" is the most important ingredient and holds the therapeutic focus of the entire formula. The deputy assists the chief in its duties by supplementing the focused approach or by treating secondary conditions. The assistant may foster the synergistic workings of the formula or assist in the prevention of possible toxic side effects, while the envoy may direct the formula to a specific body area or harmonize the actions of the other ingredients.

例如, 主药是配方最重要的成分, 紧扣全方的治疗重点。副药通过补充集中的办法或治疗次要症状来协助主药发挥作用。副药可促进配方的协同作用或协助预防可能产生的毒副作用,而主药可将配方引导到特定的身体部位或协调配方的其它成分发挥作用。

Chinese herbal medicine is traditionally used for internal organ imbalances. It is often used as a complement to acupuncture, and the two are often used in the same treatment. Each system affects the Qi of the body in specific ways. In many instances, herbal remedies are used to supplement the body's Qi, and acupuncture is used to manipulate Qi, focusing it where it is needed. 

传统上讲, 中草药用于治疗内脏功能失衡。中草药常作为针灸的辅助疗法, 两者常并用于同一病症治疗中。每个系统都以特定的方式影响身体的气/能量。在许多情况下,草药被用来补充身体的气,而针灸被用来控制气,集中在它需要的地方。

The Chinese herbs are safe and effective. As early as 3000BCE, the Chinese Pharmacopoeia began to be documented and continued to expand until over 3500 herbs were well researched and recorded. Most of them are made from plants. They are whole food, naturally made, and with minimum Side Effects.

中草药治疗不仅安全而且有效。早在公元前3000年,《中国药典》就开始有文献记载,并不断扩大,研究和记录的草药超过3500种。大多数中草药由植物炮制。它们是天然食品, 副作用很小。

Chinese Medicine practitioners treat the patient, not the disease, and the herbal medicine has to be customized to suit the needs of an individual. Herbs can be natural or cultured, nowadays cultured mostly. There are over 2,000 different kinds of herbs of which about 400 are commonly used.

中医师治疗的是病人, 不是疾病, 草药必须根据个人的需要而特别定制。草药可以是天然的,也可以是人工养殖的,现在大多是人工养殖的。有2000多种草药, 其中约400种常用。

VI.  What is Cupping Therapy?  什么是拔罐疗法?

Cupping is similar to scrubbing but is more point-specific. This method stimulates the acupuncture points by applying suction through a glass cup. The functions of cupping are improving circulation, clearing toxins, strengthening the body, balancing the internal organs, and reducing pain caused by blood or Qi stagnation. 


VII.  What is Tui Na?  什么是推拿?

Tui Na is an ancient Chinese healing art of using applied pressure on specific points on the body to relieve common ailments and discomfort. Acupressure is based on the same concept of meridians and acupoints as acupuncture, but fingertip pressure is used rather than needles. The aim is also the same, to balance the flow of energy or Qi within the meridians, creating healthy functioning of the internal organs and preventing or curing disease. During treatment, the practitioner determines the correct points to use in relation to the ailment(s) and then places gentle pressure on the area(s) using the tips of the index or middle fingers, the thumb, or the edge of the fingernail. The pressure must be even and is most often applied in the direction of the flow of the meridian. Small rotations may accompany the pressure and depend on the condition, the effects may be felt immediately (as in the case of blocked sinuses).


 VIII.  What is Gua Sha Therapy / Skin Scraping Therapy?  什么是刮痧疗法?
Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)  therapy using a jade board scrape on the body to promote blood circulation and remove toxic heat, blood and lymph. From a TCM point of view, our body needs a constant and vigorous movement of energy ("Qi") to keep us healthy and alive. But if there is a presence of toxins, "Sha" will be formed and caused congestion in the circulation. In Chines...e, "Gua" means scrape or rub over the skin, and “Gua Sha” means toxins are being brought to the surface by the rubbing (thus it restores and rebalances "Qi" circulation in the body).

If Gua Sha is performed on the body, as aftermath, blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissue will be raised and brought out by Gua Sha shown as petechiae, which shall fade away in 2-5 days. Note that the petechiae are actually the “Sha” that causes the health issues.


Gua Sha is simple, scientific, effective, and safe, as it has no side effects. It has been practiced for more than 25 centuries by Chinese people and is a precious heritage of TCM. Traditionally, Gua Sha can be performed when a patient has pain due to an acute or chronic disorder, or a knotty feeling in the muscles. However, nowadays, since more and more people are seeking effective and safe ways to make them look better and stay younger, Gua Sha is systematically developed and getting popular in China recently for medical cosmetology. This holistic beauty therapy can balance, restore and rejuvenate the skin condition without leaving any signs of petechiae, and without the use of chemical acids, microdermabrasion, Bottom drug injection, or painful cosmetic surgery. It not only promotes blood and "Qi" circulation but also accelerates skin cell regeneration, improves skin absorption, and prevents aging.

The following effects will be seen immediately after Gua Sha therapy: reduced qq/eye bags/puffiness; reduced fine lines/wrinkles; improved uneven tone; smoother and radiant skin; smaller pores; lightened freckles/dark spots; lifted and firmer skin; reduced double chin/refined face shape.

Essentially, Gua Sha therapy addresses underlying causes, like digestive problems, emotional stress, hormonal imbalance, which become reflected in the face through puffiness, dark circles around the eyes, dryness or dullness of the skin, sagging skin, drooping eyelids, blemishes, acne, fine and deep wrinkles, pigmentations. Gua Sha is performed by applying gentle scraping with some unique shaped jade boards and natural oil and cream on specific points so that it is guaranteed that it is not painful and there is no petechiae or any red spots left on the face.

IX.  What is Traditional Chinese Food Therapy?  什么是中医食疗?

In Chinese Medicine theory, we are sick because our body loses the balance between "Yin" and "Yang". Four basic factors determine health and well-being, they are lifestyle, diet, exercise, and mind. Diet is most important because diet is considered the primary cause of sickness as well as the main reason for longevity and health. We are sick because our body is not in balance. Traditional Chinese food therapy is a practice of healing using natural foods instead of medication. It is a modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also known as Chinese nutrition therapy.


A proper diet is a good medicine with treatment effects. Food can be used to adjust the imbalance of Yin and Yang. Learning dietetic therapy of Chinese Medicine is a good way to treat and prevent diseases. Cooking not only meets the needs to fill up the stomach but also can become good medicine

Traditional Chinese food therapy dates back as early as 2000 BC. Neighing, the "Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", written around 300 BC, was the most important in forming the basic theory of Chinese food therapy. It classified food into four "food groups", and "five tastes" by the natures and characteristics.

Food plays an important role in Chinese culture. Cooking good food for family members is pride and duty for most women. Children are brought up with general knowledge of the nature of their daily foods. Dietary restriction is commonly understood and observed. Eating well and healthy is almost a national obsession and definitely the most valued activity of family life.

X.   Can Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine be used for illness prevention?  针灸和中草药能预防疾病吗?

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can deal effectively with many acute conditions as well as chronic ones, but they have the further strength of being able to stop the start of trouble before the acute phase begins- by identifying the tendencies that could develop into illness. Treatment at this stage ensures that, as far as possible, everything can be kept on the best lines for optimum health.

XI.   What symptoms can acupuncture treat?  针灸可以治疗哪些病症?

A series of controlled studies have shown evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including insomnia, allergy, skin problem, stress, depression, infertility, menopause syndrome, etc. Studies on acupuncture have also shown positive results in the areas of chronic pain and addiction management, the two areas where western medicine is very limited.

XII.   How many treatments do I need?  我需要做多少次治疗?

It depends on individual health conditions such as your age, how long you have had this suffering and your body's response. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can assist your body to make some changes gradually. We will offer you the best guide for the length of the treatment according to your health condition in the first consultation.


XIII.  Is acupuncture treatment safe?  针灸治疗安全吗?

Acupuncture needles are metallic, solid, and hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but, most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Rarely, people may feel mild soreness and pain during treatment. Acupuncture performed by a skilled and qualified practitioner is safe, comfortable, and highly effective for many conditions.

XIV.  Can I get positive results the right way?  我能很快获得好的疗效吗?

It's hard to say, but generally speaking, the positive results will be produced after three treatments. We can give you some advice about that on the first visit.


             Hours & Address

We moved out from 595 Argus Rd into here

Mon-Fri:10:00 AM - 6:00 PM   Sunday: Closed

Saturday: 10:00 AM -3:00 PM (By Appointment)

Add: 30-1075 North Service Rd W. Oakville ON L6M 2G2

              Contact Us

                        (905) - 815 -1818  


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